
Control Design wins three ASBPE awards

Aug. 17, 2006
The American Society of Business Publi­­cation Editors (ASBPE) has again recognized Control Design for editorial and design excellence.


CONTROL DESIGN was selected as a Top 10 Magazine
by ASBPE in 2005.


The American Society of Business Publi­­cation Editors (ASBPE) has again recognized Control Design for editorial and design excellence.

During its annual dinner and awards ceremony in June, the Midwest-South Region of ASBPE announced a gold award for Dan Hebert, senior technical editor, for his “Machine Builder Mojo” column. Control Design’s art director, Jen Dakas, was awarded silver for her “Machine Fusion” illustrated cover. Joe Feeley, editor-in-chief, garnered a silver award for his “Editor’s Page” column.

Other Putman Media magazines to win Midwest-South Region ASBPE recognition included two content and one design awards for Plant Services, one content and one design award for Control, and a design award for Chemical Processing.

ASBPE Awards list of Control Design winners in 2006

Editorial/Editor’s Letter 
Under 80,000 circulation
Silver Award
"The Heretic" and 
"Who's Your Scotty? "
Control Design
February 2005/August 2005
Joe Feeley

Regular Column, Staff Written
Under 80,000 circulation 
Gold Award
"Machine Builder Mojo"
"Compete with Chinese labor? Yes you can" and
"Are you being served at user group meetings?"
Control Design
August 2005/September 2005
Dan Hebert

Front Cover -- Illustration
Under 80,000 circulation
Silver Award
"Machine Fusion"
Control Design
March 2005
Jennifer Dakas

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