Research Center Looks to Expand Investments in Robots

Aug. 1, 2012
Partnerships Will Help Solve Human Safety Issues in Material Handling, Manufacturing and Healthcare Industries

The University of North Carolina Charlotte's (UNCC) Safety, Security and Rescue Research Center (SSR-RC) is one of the newest sites dedicated to research for solving issues regarding physical safety in material handling, manufacturing and healthcare industries.

UNCC SSR-RC is a member of the Industry University Cooperative Research Center (I/UCRC), a National Science Foundation (NSF) group made up of companies and universities focused on industry-related research in emerging fields. Other partners in the I/UCRC SSR-RC are the University of Minnesota, University of Pennsylvania and University of Denver.

UNCC SSR-RC is looking to partner with other corporate in the manufacturing and material handling industry to influence and expand their "Computation-driven robotic and sensor systems augmented by data analysis, to improve the safety, capability and well-being of humans," according to their website.

UNCC is currently the only research center committed to robotic technologies.

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