
Find out how Germany is putting Industry 4.0 into practice

April 13, 2015
Smart technology analyst Mark Watson will explain the systems already at work across Germany in an upcoming CWIEME Berlin seminar.

The port of Hamburg, Germany, is currently undergoing a metamorphosis: it is becoming a "smart port."

Some 40,000 motor vehicles pass through the port every day, and thanks to the Internet of Things, a new road management system, consisting of sensors on roads and in parking spaces connected via the Internet, is helping to speed up the flow. The system delivers real-time traffic information, including personalized alerts, to tablets, smartphones and in-cab telematics units, improving the quality of life for local residents and increasing productivity of the logistics companies using the port.

Hamburg’s smartPORT system

The system delivers real-time traffic information, including personalized alerts, to tablets, smartphones and in-cab telematics units, improving the quality of life for local residents and increasing productivity of the logistics companies using the port.

Hamburg’s smartPORT system is just one of several examples of smart technology in practice to be presented by analyst Mark Watson at this year’s CWIEME Berlin exhibition in May.

As IHS Technology’s associate director for industrial automation, Mr. Watson leads a team of specialists who monitor and analyze the ways smart technologies and automated systems are implemented in manufacturing industries.

“There has been a lot of important progress made in these areas recently that, when applied in a manufacturing context, could offer exponential benefits,” he says. “For example, instead of having sensors on roads, as in Hamburg, sensors on a production line could be used to monitor performance and relay information back to a central control room, enhancing efficiency by reducing the need for hands-on measurements."

Mr. Watson’s seminar, "Industry 4.0: Germany's revolution and its implications for global electrical manufacturing," will take place at CWIEME Central on Tuesday, May 5, in Berlin, Germany. CWIEME Central seminars are held in English and are free for all CWIEME Berlin visitors to attend.

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