
QComp wins ABB 2016 North American Robotics Value Provider Award

Aug. 4, 2016
The award recognized QComp for its performance in automation integration.
QComp was recently honored by ABB Inc. as its co-winner of the ABB 2016 North American Robotics Value Provider Award for Outstanding Performance. The awards were presented during ABB's annual Robotics Value Provider Conference recently in Atlanta, Ga.

The award recognized QComp for its performance in automation integration. Greg Whitney, vice president of engineering and manufacturing for QComp Technologies, accepted the award on behalf of the company. 

"We have been working with ABB products and personnel for over 19 years and value our relationship with this leader in automation technologies immensely," said Greg Whitney. "We are delighted to be recognized for our team's commitment to providing the most advanced robotic solutions using ABB product."

QComp has been working with ABB Robots for more 19 years. QComp has been selected as a preferred integrator to provide ABB’s new YuMi dual-arm collaborative robots.

“The YuMi robot is the first truly collaborative dual-armed robot designed for a world in which humans and robots work together,“ said Tom Doyle, president of QComp Technologies.


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