
FieldComm Field Device Integration tech wins Best Technology Award at Automation Expo

Aug. 28, 2017
The company's FDI technology enables simplified and standardized, protocol independent, field device to system integration for process industry end users

FieldComm Group announced that its field device integration technology standard, FDI, received the Best Technology Booth award at the Mumbai Automation Expo 2017.

Selected by a judging panel of industry executives and experts, FDI was chosen as the award winner from a pool of over 500 exhibitors.

“In the future we will no longer need to worry about the protocol that we use on the plant floor because FDI will enable simplified integration of all protocols to DCS, asset management, and mobile systems," said B.R. Mehta, senior vice president of Reliance Industries.

“FDI enables a seamless evolution from existing device description languages to a new standard which adds capability and radically simplifies getting field device data into hosts and the cloud,"  said Ted Masters, president of FieldComm. "We are thrilled to receive recognition by a panel of industry executives and experts from the Automation Fair for this exciting new technology. FDI technology is unique in that it dramatically simplifies integration of many field device protocols and exposure of information from those protocols in an open and standardized way.”

Automation Expo 2017 Mumbai took place from Aug. 9 to Aug. 12 and drew more than 50,000 attendees.  Now in its 12th year, Automation Expo is the largest automation focused exhibition in India, drawing over 500 exhibitors from 25 countries.

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