Robotic Industries Association announces new director of Standards Development

Nov. 25, 2015
New director brings expertise in project management, facilitation, communication.

The Robotic Industries Association (RIA) has announced the hiring of Carole Franklin, PMP, as the new Director of Standards Development for RIA.

Franklin is a project manager and facilitator whose work with consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton included process improvement and communication projects for clients at a federal R&D facility (TARDEC). TARDEC’s work includes advancements in mobile and collaborative robotics. For example, some of the work includes how to defuse bombs or explore hazardous environments while keeping human personnel safe. Franklin became familiar with automation topics while working closely with the TARDEC robotics team to help projects run more smoothly and to communicate the subject to non-technical experts.

Franklin says she feels honored to join the RIA team. “Automation is such a great driver of productivity growth,” said Franklin. She sees the work of the standards committees as vital to ensuring the interoperability of automation equipment and the safety of its human operators.

“After seeing robotics up close while supporting TARDEC, I’ve been looking for an opportunity to get more deeply involved in the industry. I’m very excited about the future with RIA.”

In addition to Booz Allen, Franklin’s career includes 10 years with Ford Motor Company, where she led a number of multi-national projects. She also served as director of program management with a tech start-up firm where she honed her skills in virtual teaming.

"Carole’s areas of expertise position her well to build on the great work our standards team has done," said Jeff Burnstein, president of RIA.  "We’re glad to have Carole join our team."

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