
Robotics companies collaborate on remote-connectivity application

April 1, 2024
Monitoring and control partnership between Kawasaki Robotics and Olis Robotics on display at MODEX 2024

Olis Robotics has entered a partnership with Kawasaki Robotics, aiming to revolutionize industrial robot management, partner publication Automation World reports.

Their collaboration introduces remote error recovery technology for Kawasaki robots, promising a substantial reduction in troubleshooting and downtime costs by up to 90%, along with faster production restarts and expert support accessibility.

The key innovation lies in an on-premises device provided by Olis, establishing a secure internet connection to circumvent the complexities and risks associated with cloud-based systems. This partnership fills a critical gap in the industry, offering an added layer of trend management, remote monitoring and error recovery not native to major robot platforms.

At Modex 2024, the joint exhibit showcased a robotic corner board system integrated with a mixed palletizing and depalletizing cell, demonstrating the practical application of the Olis-Kawasaki collaboration. The system, handling multiple SKUs of unstructured products, employs Olis Robotics' remote error recovery software to promptly alert users to unexpected robot stops or part-handling failures.

Fredrik Ryden, CEO of Olis Robotics, emphasized the significance of visualization capabilities, enabled by 5G connectivity, allowing users worldwide to diagnose issues promptly.

Learn more about this partnership between Kawasaki Robotics and Olis Robotics in the full article from Automation World.

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