Metso announced it will be supplying its automation technology and sophisticated reporting applications to contribute to higher energy efficiency and sustainability at a biopower plant in Hämeenkyrö, Finland.
The new biopower plant built by Pohjolan Voima, Leppäkosken Sähkö and Metsä Board will use a Metso DNA automation system as a complete turnkey package to the plant, including all stages from engineering to commissioning. The automation will be used to control the fluidized bed boiler and the related fuel reception and handling systems. The new boiler will replace the old natural gas-fired power plant that was controlled with Metso's Damatic XD automation system.
The automation system features high user-friendliness. The Metso DNA Trend and Event Archive tool gives the operators access to trend and event history straight from the operator interface. The Metso DNA information management system includes extensive data collection, as well as process performance and emissions control.
Reporting plays a major role in ensuring high plant efficiency. For example, the Metso DNA solid fuel data management application allows an accurate follow-up of biomass quality and energy content. The shareholder reporting allots the plant's production, consumption and CO² emissions among the shareholders. The planning of plant operation is supported by an application that calculates electricity production forecasts per shareholder.
The plant condition and operation monitoring has been integrated into the automation system. With the Metso DNA machine monitoring application and advanced analysis tools, the staff is able to monitor and analyze the mechanical condition of critical plant equipment, such as the most important pumps and blowers, as well as the turbine generator. The monitoring makes it possible for operators to foresee and notice equipment damage in good time so that maintenance work can be carried out during planned shutdowns.
Learn more about energy efficiency and sustainability on our sister publication Sustainable Plant.