Opto 22 becomes founding member of EdgeX Foundry

April 24, 2017
The automation manufacturer aims to build an open-source framework for edge computing, together with over 45 additional members

Opto 22 has joined the EdgeX Foundry as a founding member along with more than 45 other companies. EdgeX Foundry is an open-source project hosted by the Linux Foundation, building a common open framework for Internet of Things (IoT) edge computing and an ecosystem of interoperable components to unify the marketplace and accelerate enterprise and Industrial IoT.

Opto announced recently that it had joined the Linux Foundation.

The EdgeX framework was made with the hope to make it easy to quickly create IoT edge solutions that have the flexibility to adapt to changing business needs.

According to Opto 22, Industrial IoT (IIoT) is delivering significant business value by improving efficiencies and increasing revenue through automation and analytics, but widespread fragmentation and the lack of a common IoT solution framework are hindering broad adoption and stalling market growth.

"Achieving cohesive, value-add Industrial IoT solutions depends on a successful ecosystem that can drive interoperability and digital transformation," said Benson Hougland, vice president of marketing and product strategy for Opto 22. "Together with other EdgeX Foundry founding members, we will develop a common framework to help align IoT adoption and business objectives."

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